Top 15 Best Bathroom Plants Reviews In 2024

best bathroom plants

The Best Bathroom Plants create baths more agreeable places for consumers, improving the decoration and atmosphere quality. And baths can be great environments for crops, also. A toilet is typically a hot, humid area that provides the ideal atmosphere for crops, and water to irrigate the crops is always close at hand.

However, you still should make your decisions wisely. The toilet environment isn’t ideal all the time, and not all crops are ideal for the requirements within a toilet.

Though there’s loads of warm, humid air during shower time, the room may get much warmer when left vacant for hours, particularly at nighttime. These broad temperature changes aren’t perfect for plants.

Not all crops like high humidity. Succulents prefer drier conditions and will rot if kept constantly damp. And evergreens and a lot of different plants can grow powdery mildew in high humidity.

Many baths have reduced levels of sun, should they have windows in any way. Don’t give up if that’s true with your toilet. Fluorescent bulbs provide lots of light in wavelengths that crops can utilize.

These three factors–low light, higher humidity, and temperature swings–have to be considered when selecting plants for a toilet. Heylovedesigns provides some tips for crops that will perform in ordinary bathroom requirements.

Top 15 Best Bathroom Plants For You

Top 15 Best Bathroom Plants For You

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Golden Pothos

If you can not resist a great trailing plant, then the golden pothos will create itself and its vines at home in the toilet, where it’ll flourish in a more humid environment (the tips of its leaves will turn brown when the atmosphere is too dry). This plant can manage anywhere from low to bright sunshine, provided that the light is indirect.

ZZ plant

We are going to kick off our list together with all the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, a glossy-leaf plant that’s near impossible to kill. The ZZ thrives at both direct and low light and is very tolerant to moist states –perhaps not surprising considering it is native to Zanzibar where humidity is high and temps swing out of 30°-90° through the year.

Asparagus Fern (Asparagus densiflorus)

Airy, lacy asparagus fern adores the warmth of a toilet. It does nicely in moderate or bright light, so a place by a window will be greatest. Asparagus ferns may appear soft into the touch however, the stems have thorns, so beware.

It may grow to two feet high, but with branches that can sprawl laterally up to 6 feet. Asparagus fern can go as long as two decades until it takes repotting.


Maintain the magnificent calathea plant in moderate indirect light and a medium to more humid surroundings, and it is guaranteed to perform well. Consider it as a symbiotic connection: Your toilet’s environment will allow it to live a wholesome lifestyle, and its exquisite foliage will provide your bathroom new life, also.

Peace Lily

Dark baths are a welcome atmosphere for the calmness lily, that requires–and needs –small light but enjoys steamy tropical problems. This plant flowers lovely flowers that will add a little bit of elegance to a bathroom.

Bamboo (Bambusa Spp.)

Growing bamboo in containers is a fantastic method to control the crops, which may grow invasively when implanted in the backyard. But confined in containers, even bamboo plants may acquire big, requiring repotting every season or so.

The clumping types will require repotting less frequently than the ones that run. Feed bamboo using a diluted fertilizer high in nitrogen per week throughout the growing season, cutting to monthly in winter.

  • Color Variations: Pale to dark green foliage; variegated forms accessible
  • Light Exposure: Requires 6 hours of sun
  • Soil Needs: Prefers sandy potting, however, tolerates most potting soil blends

Snake Plant

Beloved by everybody from novices to plant pros owing to the magnificent appearance and effortless care conditions, the ever-popular snake plant is a superb bathroom alternative as it can flourish in almost any humidity level and may withstand reduced or bright indirect light.

Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant lives up to its title, boasting high tolerance to intense heat, low lighting, absence of water, as well as poor soil conditions. Keep it out of the direct sun and permit its soil to dry between waterings to maintain it at its speediest.

Begonia (Begonia Spp.)

Various kinds of begonias grow well in containers, and they like the heat and humidity of a toilet shelf. Specifically, rex begonias (Begonia x rex), using their gaudy foliage, grow well inside. Begonias like humid circumstances although not waterlogged soil, which may result in root rot.

Begonias prized because of their blossoms require a bright place in the restroom, with a few direct early morning sunshine. Begonias developed for their foliage demand a glowing place away from direct sunlight.

  • Color Variations: Light-green, dark-green, bronze, or variegated foliage. Some varieties developed for amazing blooms, but some concentrate on foliage.
  • Light Exposure: For flowering, some direct sun; such as foliage, bright filtered light.
  • Soil Requires: General-purpose soilless potting mix

Air Plant

Do not allow the name fool you; those exceptional plants want more than just air to endure. In reality, air plants require water (you water by soaking them) And flourish in mild to high humidity and bright blue light–ideal if you’d like a more compact choice and have a toilet window to perch them around.


Orchids enjoy high humidity environments and their lovely flowers are a terrific way to add a pop of color into a darkened toilet. Indirect light is essential for this occasionally fussy flora which burns harsh rays.

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Spp.)

Few plants are as forgiving and elastic since the evergreen, containing roughly 20 species inside the Aglaonema genus. All these large-leaved, tropical perennials will flourish even in the event that you forget to feed and water it.

Once it enjoys humidity, it will also tolerate dry atmosphere, provided you keep it from cold drafts, which may damage the leaves. It develops out of 10 inches to 4 feet tall, depending upon the number; a few cultivars (like’Silver Queen’) possess gray-green as well as pink variegation.

  • Color Variations: Dark green; several varieties are variegated
  • Light Exposure: Low, indirect lighting; doesn’t enjoy any direct sun
  • Soil Requires: Rich, well-drained potting mix

Watermelon Peperomia

The other humidity-loving plant, the watermelon peperomia enjoys warm temperatures and a lot of warmth, together with moderate to bright indirect lighting. Mist this plant frequently and keep it on your toilet, and it is going to be quite the happy camper.

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum var.)

You’ll discover croton plants within a variety of colored foliage. The pictum assortment has flashy, multi-colored leaves. These tropical broadleaf evergreens grow gradually, but they are able to get 6 ft tall and 3 feet wide, so make certain that you have space for you.

Croton plants require bright, but indirect light, and a lot of humidity and dampness, though they don’t want to sit in moist soil. Wait till the top two inches of soil are dry before watering. Reduce watering in late autumn and winter.

  • Color Variations: Green, or mixtures of yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, bronze, and green
  • Light Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Requires: Well-drained, humusy potting mix


Among the trendiest crops this spring and famous for its stunning, waxy, heart-shaped blossoms with a daring step, the anthurium is just another wise addition to your bathroom–provided that it is well-lit. This plant is going to succeed at a bright, indirect light place with greater humidity levels. You will have the ability to tell if it is too humid or too humid predicated on its own leaves–yellowish tips mean it is too moist, and brown hints mean it is too dry.

Can Plants Live Without Light From The Toilet?

The brief reply to this question is”No!” All plants need to run photosynthesis (the conversion of mild to power ) to endure and thrive. But some crops require less light than many others to get this done. Consequently, success with almost any toilet plant starts with choosing the ideal plants. You are able to approach this process from many distinct viewpoints.

Pick plants that naturally grow in reduced light. Understory plants Saved from rain forest settings do very well in the high humidity, low light surroundings common to a lot of bathrooms. Air crops (bromeliads) plus a few succulents may also do well in such conditions.

More information:

Utilize a grow-light or overhead fluorescent light to include the desired lighting to your own bathroom and expand your own choices.

Rotate plants out of your toilet to provide them turns in a bright window elsewhere.

Buy inexpensive plants and just throw them and replace them if they die from lack of light (this is particularly cruel, and shame on you in the event that you do so!)

Throw your hands in the air and buy plastic or silk plants. Additionally, this is a dreadful choice because you may reap no air conditioner advantages from getting artificial plants within your house and the production of those impostors is quite bad for the environment generally.

Carefully picking live crops and providing them with proper lighting since needed, is your very best thing to do. Fortunately, there are plenty of appropriate plants to select from. Under-story blossom plants, bromeliads, epiphytes, and even some succulents do really well in low light and humid atmosphere.

Is It The Way To Utilize Artificial Light?

I haven’t found plants which don’t require sun. Providing your toilet houseplants with artificial plant grow lighting is just one of the alternatives.

The light is cheap and can help you, in addition to your plants. You are able to replace the bulbs into your toilet using full-spectrum bulbs for only a bit more than you’d pay for routine light bulbs.

Full-spectrum bulbs permit you to enjoy a greater quality of natural lighting in your toilet. Exposure to full-spectrum light is a proven mood lift and can be prescribed as a remedy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which induces wintertime depression.

Take advantage of these bulbs on your overhead lighting fixture.

You might even secure full-spectrum CFL grow light bulbs at a quite affordable price. It is not a fantastic idea to place these bulbs on your overhead socket for a couple of reasons. To begin with, flipping them off and on causes them to wear out fast.

Secondly, it’s better to have these bulbs near your plants for exceptional outcomes.

It is possible to use these handy bulbs in almost any lamp to put them near your plants to provide the bright light right to the plant and make an attractive growth area for the plants on your toilet.

Take advantage of these bulbs to provide organic, glowing light for the plants.

Maintaining an increase in a light bulb or two burnings is rather inexpensive (pennies per day) and also the benefits you benefit from getting healthy plants flourishing on your toilet more than justifies the cost.

If your toilet is really windowless or very dim, maintaining a supply of full-spectrum lighting burning will even make the space more inviting and comfortable for you and your visitors.

You could also be pleased to know that nearly all of the crops which perform well in a bathroom setting reproduce with quite wild abandon when well-kept. If you take very good care of your toilet garden by providing it ample artificial lighting and the advocated occasional watering, then you’ll have the ability to present your friend’s dwelling plants on virtually every gift-giving event! Consider the money you’ll save!

Handling Your Grow-Light

To get bromeliads and epiphytes, overhead full-spectrum light left for approximately 12 hours per day might be sufficient. For crops with a larger demand for lighting, put an increase light bulb at an attractive light or lamp fixture positioned near the plant, and produce your lighting component of their décor.

It is possible to leave your grow-light burning or set a timer for this Fitnate to restrict it to 12 hours each day. The use of time can make the direction of your mild automatic so that you won’t need to worry about that.

Temperature and Humidity Levels

For your relaxation, you probably keep the warmth on your toilet rather consistent. The general guideline for many home plants is if you’re comfy your plant probably is also.

If your present habit is to maintain your toilet cold except if you intend to have a bath or shower, then you will want to change that in the event that you would like to keep plants contented. Maintaining a little heater working on a very low-temperature setting (or programming your own smart thermostat to maintain your toilet at a comfortable temperature) can be advantageous to you along with your plants.

Humidity levels from the restroom naturally change a long time. The humidity will grow quickly and temporarily should you take a shower. Fortunately, this is extremely great for several tropical plants, bromeliads, and a few succulents in terrariums. On occasion, you might have to provide a bit more humidity by misting your crops.

Which Are The Ideal Toilet Plants To Select?

Alternatives in plants that will do nicely with a low light, consistently comfortable temperature, and dependable levels of humidity abound. Below are a few of the greatest options in succulents, bromeliads, epiphytes, and tropical plants to decorate your toilet décor.

Green Your Toilet

A little, dark toilet that’s hardly more than the usual”water-closet” can be appealing, inviting, and fitter by incorporating plants. While plants do need mild to reside, there are lots of plants which in fact do well in reduced filtered light or artificial lighting.

Consult with the info presented here in order to pick the ideal plants for your toilet environment and place them up within an attractive and healthful house where they could flourish.

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